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This is the second season of "Jigoku Shoujo", a series about a lonely ghost of a girl who's main job is to deliver revenge for the wronged, but with consequences. Whoever you would have Jigoku Shoujo take revenge on will be sent to hell for all eternity, but so will you when you die. Each episode is a different story about a different person who decides to summon the girl. Fans of creepy story animes like "Paranoia Agent" will love this series.
Host | File Name | File Type | Size |
oron.com | 26. Indigo Dye.avi | avi | 346.4 MB |
megaupload.com | 26.rmvb | rmvb | 63.72 MB |
mediafire.com | Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori Epi 26 Final (DVD) [Ayu].mp4 - , <font, size="4", color="#1C8928">jofori89, , , _~<br>shinkai-anime.110mb.com<_font, _c | com<_font, _c | 64.78 MB |
megaupload.com | Jigoku_Shoujo_Futakomori_26.rmvb | rmvb | 49.85 MB |
rapidshare.com | Jigoku_Shoujo_Futakomori_26_FINAL__3FC8AC7F_.avi | avi | 182.37 MB |
filefactory.com | [Shinsen-Subs]_Jigoku_Shoujo_Futakomori_-_26_[D056C3E1][FINAL].avi | avi | 167.91 MB |
megaupload.com | [Shinsen-Subs]_Jigoku_Shoujo_Futakomori_-_26_[D056C3E1][FINAL].avi | avi | 167.91 MB |